Adaptive strategy made by the Client’s Top management and market trends analysis made by Adaptive team.

1.5 months
Preparing for the session
2–3 days
Session period
5–9 mln ₽

We take benefit from ready-made innovative approaches (canvas, surveys and models) to build an aggressive growth strategy.

What’s included
Market trends elaboration by Adaptive team: 1−2 months prior the session we develop a presentation with current trends and outcomes based on the global companies' and market’s development analytics


  • 1
    Preparation interviews
  • 2

    Strategic session design pre-approval with the Client

  • 3
    Trends analysis sharing with the Client 1 week prior the session
  • 4

    Strategic session moderation with the Client team

Adaptive strategy in a format of an online board (ie miro).

  • 3−10 years long-term development directions
  • 10+ years MTP (massive
    transformative purpose)
  • 3+ years strategic control
  • 1-5 years key initiatives plan
  • Ambitious OKRs and growth metrics
  • Strategic development directions
    update using the trends analysis
Strategic session design based on expectations
Company’s Adaptive strategy in in online board format
Preparation — 1 month
1 session — 2−3 days

Estimated timeline

Trends analysis summary for Clients’ and other relevant industries and competitors
Top-management personality typology diagnostic map


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